Harris & Brun lawyers regularly speak at educational seminars; write instructive manuals, articles, and papers; and provide legal perspectives on important issues within the legal profession and facing society as a whole.
Access to Justice
- Agenda for Justice 2021: A Roadmap for Action, BarTalk Column “From the President”, April 2021.
Civil Litigation
- Embracing the Civil Resolution Tribunal: Taking a Page from Darwin’s Book, August 2014.
- Navigating the Disclosure of College Investigation Files in Civil Dental Malpractice Actions in British Columbia: Privileged or producible? November 2012.
- New Civil Rules for Legal Support Staff 2010 – 5/7/2010 – Course Materials Author
Health Law
- Protect Yourself: Consider Legal Expense Coverage & Legal Representation, The Bridge: BC Dental Association Publication, Winter 2019.
- Vicarious Liability of the Contemporary Canadian Hospital: Sustained immunity or novel responsibility? July 2013.
Insurer-Defended Tort Claims
- Defending Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Cases – Course Materials Author
- Defending Personal Injury* – Course Materials Author
- Defending Personal Injury 2016 CLEBC, The Undertaking –Update on Juman v. Doucette, February 4, 2016, Vancouver.
Judicial Independence
- Resolver of Disputes, Interpreter of the Law and Defender of the Constitution: The Importance of Judicial Independence in Canada, December, 2013.
Mediation and Arbitration
- Interim Relief and Emergency Arbitration Procedures: A Comparative Analysis Across Institutions, December 2014.
Motor Vehicle Litigation
- BC Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual — 05/08/2012 — Author
- BC Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual — 05/17/2011– Author
- BC Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual — 04/14/2010 — Author
Plaintiff Personal Injury Claims
- Defending Personal Injury 2016 CLEBC, Defending Claims Brought by Unrepresented Litigants, February 4, 2016.
- Mild Traumatic Brain Injury 2014 — 11/28/2014 — Course Materials Author
- Defending Personal Injury – 2012 CLEBC, Managing Self-Represented Litigants in Personal Injury: A Small Claims Court Perspective, February 2012.
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- Co-Author with Lyle G. Harris, QC, 2016 - Present, Discovery Practice in British Columbia, CLEBC practice manual for lawyers in British Columbia, updated annually.
- Practice Management Amid COVID-19, BarTalk Column “From the President”, June 2021.
- Digital Competency of Counsel, BarTalk Column “From the President”, February 2021.