Practice Areas:
Jennifer is a lawyer and director of Harris & Brun Law Corporation. She was appointed a Queen’s Counsel in 2021. She became a King’s Counsel as of September 8, 2022. Her practice focuses on civil litigation and professional regulation. She represents her clients in both litigation and regulatory contexts, before all levels of court in British Columbia and before governing bodies and administrative tribunals. Jennifer’s advice is routinely sought on health law matters and insurance matters in the realms of litigation, investigation, inquiry, discipline, credentialing and privileging, coverage, subrogation, audits, policy wordings, and risk management.
Jennifer is a persuasive advocate for her clients, having earned a Bachelor of Science; a Bachelor of Laws; and a Master of Laws specializing in civil litigation and dispute resolution. She also completed a judicial law clerkship at the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Jennifer served as national president of the Young Lawyers – Canadian Bar Association (YL-CBA) in 2012-13 and as Canadian Bar Association – BC Branch president in 2020-21.
Jennifer is a regular contributor and presenter for continuing professional development seminars both provincially and nationally, focusing on civil litigation and health law content. She enjoys addressing substantive law and narrow practice issues, such as discovery practice and oral advocacy techniques, as well as other important issues facing our justice system today including access to justice, judicial independence, and the self-regulation of our profession. Since 2017, Jennifer has co-authored Discovery Practice in British Columbia, a Continuing Legal Education of British Columbia practice manual.
Jennifer was featured in “On the Front Cover,” of the November, 2020 issue of The Advocate magazine.

Click the cover to read the article.
- 2015 LL.M., Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
- 2010 Called to the British Columbia Bar
- 2008-2009 Judicial Law Clerkship, BCSC
- 2008 LL.B., University of Calgary
- 2005 B.Sc., University of British Columbia
* Jennifer J.L. Brun Law Corporation
- Lamarque v. Rouse, 2023 BCCA 392
- Davies v. Penner, 2023 BCCA 300
- Watson v. Fatin, 2023 BCCA 82
- Callow v. Van Hoek-Patterson, 2023 BCCA 92
- Dhillon v. Labelle, 2023 BCSC 32
- Vedam v. Provincial Health Services Authority, HAB-HA-22-A001(a)
- McCliggot v. Elliot, 2022 BCCA 315
- Dhillon v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal, 2022 BCCA 251
- Orr v. Graemond Holdings Ltd., 2022 BCCA 156
- Steinlauf v. Deol, 2022 BCCA 96
- McColl v. Sullivan, 2021 BCCA 181
- Elliott v. McCliggot (3 Nov 2020), Vancouver CA46728 (B.C.C.A. Chambers)
- Saidy v. Louzado, 2019 BCSC 281
- Gaebel v. Lipka, 2017 BCCA 432
- Gaebel v. Lipka, (16 July 2016), Vancouver M131020 (Voir Dire, B.C.S.C. Chambers)
- Ponder v. Dodds (11 July 2017), Vancouver M133443 (B.C.S.C. Chambers)
- Ponder v. Dodds, 2017 BCSC 995
- Robinson v. 1390709 Alberta Ltd., 2017 BCCA 175
- Gaebel v. Lipka, 2016 BCSC 2391
- Gaebel v. Lipka, (26 April, 2016), Vancouver M131020 (B.C.S.C., In Chambers)
- Ceperkovic v. MacDonald, 2016 BCSC 939
- Allen v. Dr. Dennis P.A. Nimchuk Inc. (22 Jun 2012), Vancouver 04-05085(B.C.P.C.)
- Ishak v. Dr. Aminzadeh Inc. (20 Feb 2012), Vancouver 10-29178 (B.C.P.C.)
- Olivier v. Dr. B. Cervienka Inc., 2011 BCPC 371
- Rae v. Dr. Foster S. Inc. (22 Sept 2011), Vernon 44881 (B.C.P.C.)
- Radisson v. Dr. Rehtlane (28 Sept 2010), Vancouver 09-24983 (B.C.P.C.)
- Chun v. Dr. Daher and Dr. Lo (18 May 2010), Vancouver 09-25968 (B.C.P.C.)
*BCCA Registrar Timothy Outerbridge requested consent for materials prepared for the hearing of Elliott v. McCliggot to be posted publicly on the BCCA website as a precedent to assist counsel in complying with the Act and Rules.
Jury trials of note are as follows:
Dhillon v. Labelle, (Supreme Court, Vancouver Registry File No. M167246), involved a three-week jury trial with Justice Verhoeven presiding, in which we acted for the defence. Liability was admitted. At trial, the plaintiff alleged that because of the accident she had suffered multiple injuries including myofascial injuries to her neck (along with intermittent cervicogenic headaches), upper back (with referred pain down her right arm and hand), myofascial injury to the lower back, and pain in both wrists. She also alleged she had suffered a torn right rotator cuff, post-traumatic insomnia, and chronic pain syndrome caused by the accident. She argued her accident-related injuries were painful, limiting, and permanent. She sought an award of non-pecuniary damages for pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life that reflected the nature, severity and duration of her injuries, and the impact that they had had on her ability to participate in her usual activities and with her family, home and community. The plaintiff also sought the following pecuniary awards: past loss of housekeeping of $36,720.32; present value of her future loss of housekeeping capacity of $137,484.00; present value of her future cost of care of $277,708.00; and special damages of $4,150.46. The defendant submitted the accident caused at most minor soft tissue injuries to the plaintiff that resolved with conservative treatment including physiotherapy and active rehabilitation by no later than January 2016. The defence contended the plaintiff has an extensive medical history dating back to long before her twins were born in 2005, and continuing to the present time, which continues to have significant effects on her functional capabilities. The defence questioned the credibility of the plaintiff and the factual foundation upon which the plaintiff’s R. 11 experts based their opinions. At the end of the case, on May 16, 2019, the jury returned a verdict of total damages in the amount of $7,515.02 for the plaintiff.
The parties sought rulings relating to costs in this matter. The plaintiff was deprived of costs and disbursements incurred following service of a formal offer to settle, as detailed in Dhillon v. Labelle, 2023 BCSC 32.
Hallam v. Mah (Supreme Court, Vancouver Registry File No. M114288), involved a two-week jury trial, with Justice Tammen presiding, in which we acted for the plaintiff in prosecuting his claim for the negligent infliction of emotional harm that he had suffered. Whether the defendant owed our client a duty of care was at issue, as our client did not witness the event itself. At the conclusion of evidence, we drafted detailed submissions on the duty of care, concluding the result of Mustapha and Saadati is that any form of rigid proximity classification is obsolete, and the law may therefore develop on a case-by-case basis with a heavy emphasis on the particular circumstances under consideration. We submitted the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care, as it was reasonably foreseeable that a husband and father, in the plaintiff’s circumstances, would suffer psychiatric harm and associated loss as a result of the defendant’s proven negligence causing the significant injury to his wife and the death of his daughter. The matter settled on the morning of oral argument on the issue of whether a duty of care was owed.
Memberships | Affiliations | Honours
- Member, BCSC Master Selection Committee, 2020 and 2023.
- Recognized in Business in Vancouver’s BC500 2022
- Appointed Queen’s Counsel, December 2, 2021, King’s Counsel as of September 8, 2022
- Member, British Columbia Supreme Court Civil & Family Rules Committee (Appointed Nov 22, 2021 – Dec 31, 2026)
- Member, Judicial Council of British Columbia (2021)
- Member, Canadian Bar Association (“CBA”) (2005-present)
- President, CBABC (2020-2021)
- Vice President, CBABC (2019-2020)
- Chair, Policy & Advocacy Committee, CBABC (2019-2020)
- Chair, Nominating Committee, CBABC (2019-2020)
- Secretary-Treasurer, CBABC (2018-2019)
- Chair, Finance and Audit Committee, CBABC (2019-2020)
- Executive Committee, CBABC (2017-present)
- Provincial Council, Canadian Bar Association British Columbia Branch (2017-present)
- Board Liaison, Automobile Insurance Working Group, CBABC (2017-present)
- Member, Law Society of British Columbia (2010-present)
- Member, Medical Legal Society of British Columbia (2009-present)
- Member, Canadian Defence Lawyers (2009-2016)
- Past-President, CBA Young Lawyers Executive (2013-2014)
- Member, Advisory Committee, CBABC Rural Education and Access to Lawyers (REAL) Initiative (2009-2014)
- Member, CBABC insurance law, health law, environmental law, women’s lawyer forum sections (2008-present)
- President, CBA National Young Lawyers Executive (2012-2013)
- In addition to attending all national meetings as President representing the 16,000 CBA members under the age of 40 or less than 10 years call to the Bar, represented the CBAYL at the Opening of the Legal Year of England and Wales at Westminster Abbey and Inner Temple in London, England, and at the American Bar Association annual conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Member, CBA National Board of Directors (2012-2013)
- Member, CBA Nominating Sub-Committee (2012-2013)
- Member, CBA Pro-Bono Award Selection Committee (2012-2013)
- Vice-President, CBA Young Lawyers Executive (2011-2012)
- Member, CBA National Finance Committee (2011-2012)
- Member, CBA National Membership Committee (2010-2012)
- Member, CBA National Sections and Conference Chairs Committee (2010-2012)
- Member at Large, Young Lawyers CBABC-Lower Mainland Executive (2010-2012)
- Secretary Treasurer, CBA Young Lawyers Executive (2010-2011)
- Member, CBABC, Rural Education and Access to Lawyers (“REAL”) Oversight Committee (2009-2010)
- Member, Justice Education Society (2008-2009)
- Chair, CBA Students Section, University of Calgary, Faculty of Law (2005-2007)
Seminars and Presentations
- A New Trilogy on Loss of Capacity, Presenter, CLEBC, Personal Injury Conference, 2023
- Regulatory Framework of the Health Professions Act, Regulations, and College Bylaws, HBLC, Presenter, June 14, 2021, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Indigenous Children and Families: Learning about Wrapping our Ways Around Them, Presenter, CBABC Provincial Council, June 5, 2021, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Chief Justice Bauman, Chief Justice Hinkson, and Chief Judge Gillespie, Latest Developments and Future Direction of the Courts, Presenter, CBABC Provincial Council, June 5, 2021, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Diversity on the Bench, CBABC, Presenter, June 2, 2021, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Virtual Town Hall with Chief Justice Hinkson, discussing the latest developments in civil and family matters in the BCSC, Presenter, CBABC, April 15, 2021, Vancouver (Zoom).
- A Conversation with Chief Commissioner Marion Buller on “Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls”, CBA BC and Alberta Branches, Presenter, March 31, 2021, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Seminar on the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia Regulatory Process, BC Dental Association Directors, Presenter, March 16, 2021, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Don’t Guess, Just Ask – Pronouns in Practice, CBABC, Presenter, February 23, 2021, Vancouver (Zoom).
- The Honourable Justice Rosalie Abella, Supreme Court of Canada, Warriors of Justice Address, CBABC Provincial Council, Presenter, February 6, 2021, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Knowing our Clients: Identifying Pronouns, CBABC Provincial Council, Presenter, February 6, 2021, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Ethical Considerations for Every Practitioner, CBABC and LSBC, Presenter, November 20, 2020, Prince George (Zoom).
- Preparing Documents and e-Discovery, November 6, 2020, TLABC, Presenter, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Civility and the Legal Profession, October 1, 2020, CBABC and VBA, Presenter, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Access to Justice, the Monopoly on Legal Services, Alternative Legal Service Providers, Presenter, CBABC Provincial Council, September 26, 2020, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Engagement with the Indigenous Justice Strategy, Presenter, CBABC Provincial Council, September 26, 2020, Vancouver (Zoom).
- Making Justice More Accessible: Lessons from the BC Civil Resolution Tribunal, September 24, 2020, CBA Task Force on Justice Issues Arising from COVID-19, Presenter, Ottawa (Zoom).
- When I Need You: Expert Opinion Evidence in Civil Litigation, April 26, 2019, CBA-West Conference, Presenter, Penticton.
- Discovery Practice 2019 CLEBC, Chair and Presenter, March 22, 2019, Vancouver.
- Medication and Addiction Issues in Personal Injury Litigation 2017 CLEBC, Medical-Legal Panel, Production of College Investigation Files in Civil Actions, Presenter, April 20, 2017, Vancouver.
- Medical Legal Conference 2016 CLEBC, Presenter of Medical Legal Matters in Litigation with The Honourable Madam Justice Neena Sharma and Dr. Garry Feinstadt, October 21, 2016, Vancouver.
- Defending Personal Injury 2016, CLEBC, Defending Claims Brought by Unrepresented Litigants, Presenter, February 4, 2016, Vancouver.
- Guild Yule LLP In-House Presentation, Civil Resolution Tribunal, Presenter, July 15, 2015, Vancouver.
- CBA Canadian Legal Conference 2014, Dealing with Difficult People, presenter, August 2014, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
- Civil Litigation Conference – 2014 CLEBC, The Reality of Proportionality: A tailored approach to litigation, March 28, 2014, Vancouver.
- Winning Advocacy: Examination in chief and cross-examination of expert witnesses, Canadian Bar Association Canadian Legal Conference, August 13, 2012, Vancouver.
- LPAC 8th Annual National Workshop on Provincial Lawyers Assistance Programs, Coping with the Pressures of Today’s Legal Profession as a Young, Female Lawyer, Presenter, Summer 2012, Kamloops.
- Defending Personal Injury 2012, CLEBC, Managing Self-Represented Litigants in Personal Injury: A Small Claims Court Perspective, Presenter, February 2012, Vancouver.
- Legal Profession Assistance Conference Annual Symposium, Understanding and Promoting a Healthy Legal Society in the 21stCentury, October 1, 2011, Kamloops.
- International Bar Association Annual Conference, Address on behalf of Young Lawyers – Canadian Bar Association, October 3, 2010, Vancouver
- "I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind, but now I see. The Path to Reconciliation.", BarTalk, August, 2021
- Co-Author with Lyle G. Harris, QC, 2016 - Present, Discovery Practice in British Columbia, CLEBC practice manual for lawyers in British Columbia, updated annually.
- Practice Management Amid COVID-19, BarTalk Column “From the President”, June 2021.
- Agenda for Justice 2021: A Roadmap for Action, BarTalk Column “From the President”, April 2021.
- Digital Competency of Counsel, BarTalk Column “From the President”, February 2021.
- Working Together to Curb the COVID-19 “Shecession”, BarTalk Column “From the President”, December 2020.
- Civility in the Time of COVID-19, BarTalk Column “From the President”, October 2020.
- Protect Yourself: Consider Legal Expense Coverage & Legal Representation, The Bridge: BC Dental Association Publication, Winter 2019.
- Defending Personal Injury 2016 CLEBC, Defending Claims Brought by Unrepresented Litigants, February 4, 2016.
- Interim Relief and Emergency Arbitration Procedures: A Comparative Analysis Across Institutions, December 2014.
- Embracing the Civil Resolution Tribunal: Taking a Page from Darwin’s Book, August 2014.
- Resolver of Disputes, Interpreter of the Law and Defender of the Constitution: The Importance of Judicial Independence in Canada, December, 2013.
- Vicarious Liability of the Contemporary Canadian Hospital: Sustained immunity or novel responsibility? July 2013.
- Navigating the Disclosure of College Investigation Files in Civil Dental Malpractice Actions in British Columbia: Privileged or producible? November 2012.
- Defending Personal Injury – 2012 CLEBC, Managing Self-Represented Litigants in Personal Injury: A Small Claims Court Perspective, February 2012.
- Vocalist and Presenter, The Lawyer Show: Cabaret-A-Ganza, fundraiser for the Carousel Theatre for Young People and Touchstone Theatre (2021)
- Member, Blueridge Community Association Traffic and Safety Task Force (2020-present)